Now that you have created an account, it’s time for our community to get to know you a little better. To complete your profile details, click the Edit button on your profile. You can also click Profile on the top menu.

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From here, you can update your profile details. Please note that the information you enter here will appear publicly on your profile.

Profile Image

You can upload a profile image if you haven’t already or if you would like to remove or change your current one, you can do so here. Our platform supports JPEGs or PNGs up to 5 MB.

Cover Image

Upload a cover image of maximum 5 MB, JPEG or PNG to reflect your style. Your cover image will be visible on the top of your profile.


Handles are unique links for your personal profile and you can update it if you choose to. However, please note that while your unique profile link will be automatically updated on Collecteurs, if you have shared your link anywhere else, such as your social media channels or on your website, those links will no longer be accessible and you will need to update them manually.


Add a bio to your profile so our community and members who would like to book calls with you can get to know you a little better.


In this field, you can share with our community which organizations, galleries, museums, institutions or foundations you are currently (or were previously) a part of.

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Websites and Social Media Profiles

You can share your website link or links to your other social media profiles in this section. All you have to do is click the + Add Link button, enter the name of the service as you would like it to appear, and add the link.

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Don’t forget to Save your changes when you’re done and you’re all set!