Galleries can join the platform by invitation-only and are Accessioned by default. Any artist a Gallery adds to the platform will also automatically be Accessioned.

To apply for a Gallery account, please contact us at [email protected] or through our contact form here.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Receiving the Invitation

An invitation will be sent to your provided email address. Look for an “You are invited to join [Your Gallery Name] on Collecteurs” email from us. Inside the email, you'll find a "Create Password" button. Click on it to proceed.


Creating Your Password

You'll be directed to the Set your new password page where you can create your account password.

  1. Choose a secure password and confirm it.

  2. Once your password is set, you're ready to access your new gallery account.

    set your new password.jpg

Setting Up Your Account →

Setting Up Your Account

Access Your Profile and Profile Settings

After creating your password, follow these simple steps to set up your gallery profile:

  1. Click on your profile image in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select "Profile" from the dropdown menu.