To get started with Studio Visits, we suggest you upload a few artworks to your profile, share a few posts and complete your profile to gather interest about your Studio. If you feel confident or would like to do all of that later, let's then add the details about your Studio Visits and creative offerings. To access your Studio Visit settings, click Call Details & Availability from the top right-hand menu.
On this page, you should choose Skills Offered relevant to your artistic practice, and choose the Languages you would like to offer Studio Visits in. Please note all the information you provide in this section will be visible to our community on your Studio Visit Detail page.
How would you best describe your art practice or creative expertise? For example, are you a painter specializing in abstract works? Do you focus on contemporary installations or offer insights into specific techniques? Currently, the skills you can choose are:
<aside> <img src="/icons/kind_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/kind_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> Collection Management, Contemporary Art, For Emerging Collectors, For Established Collectors, Modern Art, Photography
Don’t see anything closely related to your practice? Send us your suggestions at [email protected], and we’ll add your requested categories to our database.
Collecteurs is a global community of members from over 75 countries. Reach non-English-speaking community members by listing the languages you speak comfortably. Please note that this information will be visible on your Studio Visit Detail page.
Enter the price for each 30-minute Studio Visit. Your time and expertise are valuable, so we suggest a minimum price of $50 USD. While there is no maximum, we recommend pricing your visits up to $200 USD.
Add the days and time range you will be available on a regular basis. Each Studio Visit is 30 minutes, with a 15-minute break between each session. For example, if you are available every Tuesday from 1 PM to 4 PM, enter 1 PM as your Starting Time and 4 PM as your Ending Time. If you need to take a break in between two ranges, simply click + Add Another Time Range. Available Studio Visit slots will be shown on the screen.
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Please remember to check and update your available hours regularly, especially when you travel, to prevent any scheduling conflicts.